Kelli M. Testimonial

TestimonialI am 34 years old and had been dealing with heartburn for about 15 years before going to Dr. Tsai’s heartburn clinic.  Before seeing Dr. Tsai I had no idea that heartburn could cause cancer.  For many years I had seen several Gastroenterologists that would prescribe me PPI’s for my heartburn and told me to change my lifestyle and I would be fine.  Never did they ever mention once to me that it could cause cancer.  My heartburn finally got to the point that I was being woken up by it in the middle of the night with sever burning and vomiting and pain so bad in my chest that I could not lay back down.

After a few sleepless nights I had a consultation with Dr. Tsai.  He sent me for a series of tests and the results were shocking.  I was on the path to Barrett’s Esophagus, which is pre-cancer.  At 32 years old I could not believe what I was hearing and was very upset that all my previous doctors brushed it off as nothing and just suppressed it with medications.  Little did I know that suppressing the problem does not make it go away, it is only making it worse in the future.  It also scared me knowing how many of my family members and friends were suffering with the same symptoms.

I was explained by Dr. Tsai a couple of options for surgery and what would be best for my condition and I scheduled the surgery the next week.  The surgery was a breeze and I felt very informed beforehand what was going to happen before and after surgery.  I am happy to say that since having my surgery I have not had one single heartburn episode, even through my entire pregnancy!!!!

This surgery not only changed my life but also has helped me inform my loved one’s about the severity that heartburn can cause.  I would strongly recommend anyone to Dr. Tsai and encourage anyone with heartburn to take the first step, and that is understanding that heartburn can in fact cause cancer and there is safe, and very affective ways to help cure it.
